Westfield, MA paul@westernmassvinylsiding.com
Cellulose Insulation by Greenfiber

Insulation Contractors

Let's get something out of the way up front, cellulose is not the least expensive insulation you can buy. That would be traditional fiberglass batt insulation. But here's what you really need to know. Cellulose insulation, while it costs more when you install it, will save you much more energy (money) every year, up to 40% more than fiberglass batts in a new home. So let's do some simple math on that new home: remember that this assumes 10 years of stable energy costs, which isn't likely to happen, so if energy costs go up so do your savings!.

It wouldn't make sense to simply improve the way we live inside, if we weren't also looking to preserve the environment outside. Greenfiber Santuary Home cellulose insulation products use 13 times less energy to manufacture than fiberglass insulation, and are made with postconsumer paper fiber and are free from unhealthy substances such as formaldehyde and asbestos. Our commitment to the environment is one more reason people can feel better about their choice of insulation. It's the greenest choice!

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